Sunday, February 3, 2013


Our modern educational system is don't playing a significant role in shaping the future of our youth. It makes students corrupt and teaches them only indulgence and self-centeredness. 

Lack of Total Personality Development
There is lack of total personality development. The system churns out indifferently trained, poorly motivated students, who have few job prospects. For these students, success means having money whatever the means. This education is not able to develop leadership qualities in students.

Lack of Moral Values
It does not emphasize on patriotism and humanity. Youth have very little or no value for our heritage and culture. It only prepares the youth as the job seekers or job mongers with low value system. There are very little or no human values. People don’t respect human life now. Honesty is laughed at by the people; sincerity and hard work are considered foolish, elders are not respected, women are considered as sex objects only. There is no sense of duty and sacrifice.

Main goal – To Make Money
The goal of education system has become to make money for the owners of the institutes and in turn this education also makes youth who are hungry for indulgence, power and money. They just think of partying, sex, fashion, food, gadgets and vehicles. They blindly follow western styles and culture. For these youth, earning money is the only goal of the life and their only motivational force is money. They want to go abroad and earn money and stay there forever. These youths perceive the education as a means of making money.

No Emphasis on Creativity and Innovation
There is less emphasis on research activities and knowledge orientation. The system doesn’t inspire children to go beyond what is set to be the limits. What the students learn is routine and regular. Students are forced to do lot of routine work just to get marks. Students are not encouraged to take activities of their interest.

Literate not Educated
This education only gives degrees/diplomas without any basic knowledge. It tries to make people literate, not educate. It prepares them for a job in an MNC and totally ignores their overall development.


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